Saturday, 27 April 2013

Spring Bunny

Well, spring has finally come, and it has come in full force! In just a few days the weather went from freezing cold with gloomy skies and soggy snowflakes to sunny and warm with a welcome breeze. Soon I can start planting stuff in my garden! I just need to build a grid now. Ugh! It seems like there's always something keeping me from growing things! :)

At least now that the weather is finally nice, I can stop complaining about it. I don't think that anyone finds blog posts about the weather very interesting.

So for something a little more interesting, I thought I'd post this adorable picture of a rabbit I saw in my backyard a few days ago. He was so nice, I was able to get within a few steps of him!
These two are a bit blurry, but you can still see how cute he is!

I didn't even have to use the zoom on my camera!
Eventually, I did get too close to him and he jumped up that
hole. I hope he was okay! 

So I hope that satisfied your daily cuteness requirement. Enjoy spring, enjoy nature, enjoy life! Ahhhh, there's nothing like sunshine and bunnies to lift your mood!

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